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Being Prepared For an Emergency Eight Great Surprise Benefits


by: Sue Merriam

Tired of all the doom and gloom you've heard lately? Trust me, you're not alone. Dow Jones dropping points, GM going bankrupt, threats of terrorism. Yikes!

In these scary, unstable times, we do need to prepare for the worst, but there are a lot of benefits you wouldn't expect. Of course, there's the obvious having things on hand when we need them but here are also eight fantastic, unexpected benefits of preparing for the worst:

Life Stays Fun

You've heard rumors on the job that there might be layoffs. Prices are skyrocketing. You come home and your children beg you to take them to the park. Tempted to bite their heads off? You don't have to if you know you have sufficient supplies laid up for a crisis. Yes, you really can have fun as long as you take the time to prepare. Life will stay consistently normal. You'll be able to take the kids to the park and have fun, secure in knowing you have done everything you can to be ready.

You Actually Save Money

Here's how. You bought all that food and supplies for an emergency, right? But you also don't want those things to become old and outdated. So wait for the next sale and stock up. Then rotate. Place the new items in your emergency pantry and use the older things, while waiting for the next sale, something that almost always happens. Keep enough on hand to carry you over from one sale to the next, and you will always be purchasing at a discount.

You Get Healthier

Some of the best foods to store are also the ones with the most nutrition. Items such as whole wheat berries, beans, whole grains and dehydrated vegetables have far more nutrients than their frozen and processed counterparts.

Start buying those foods in bulk now, but also start using them. Rotate what you have and replace the older items in your emergency pantry. By preparing and eating these fabulous foods, you will be amazed at the increased energy you have.

You Get Back in Touch With the Basics

There is truly nothing more satisfying than learning to prepare your own bread from wheat you just ground yourself, or knowing you can make your own soap when needed. By keeping your own chickens you know what goes into the eggs you eat as well as the meat - should you choose to butcher some of your chickens.

A Great Teaching Example For the Kids

Like it or not, you are the number one role model for your children. If they see you getting prepared for unexpected, they are much more likely to follow in your footsteps. You are setting an example of preparation that could bless countless generations to come. Now doesn't that make you feel better about all those cans of tomatoes you just bought?

Your Children Feel More Secure

And while we're on this topic, your children will be more secure as well especially if you get them involved. Have them help you stock the pantry. Teach them to dial 911 and make sure they know their full address and your full name. Have practice drills so they know what to do in an emergency. By having a task to do, your children will feel more in control and less fearful of the scary news they may be overhearing on television.

You Are Prepared For the Small Crises in Life

Let's say the economy stabilizes tomorrow, and the threat of terrorism disappears. So did you do all that hard work for nothing? Of course not! Imagine having the flu and not having to worry about driving to the grocery store when you're sick.

If you get laid off or if you decide to go back to school, all those supplies could help you get over some rough spots. Even if you never face a major catastrophe, there are plenty of minor ones in everyone's life. Far better to be prepared.

It Helps You Become More Organized

All those extra supplies have to go somewhere. Stocking up for an emergency forces you to start cleaning out those cluttered closets and cabinets now .

So the next time someone accuses you of being a Johnny Raincloud because you're stocking up, just smile. You're making for a sunny day now.



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