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HKEX Historical Stock Data

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by Sam Wilmore

Looking for Historical Stock Data for the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKEX)? Well you've come to the right place. You can download free HKEX Historical Stock Data in metastock format from 2000 - 2009. The data is updated every month, and downloadable every month in zipped .CSV (comma separated values). You can import this data into software programs such as Amibroker, and use it to back test your buy and sell strategies.

The historical data can be used for both technical and fundamental analysis, though it is more geared more towards technical analysis. What is Technical Analysis? It is a method for predicting future price movements in stocks based on previous stock movements. The many technical indicators traders use can include RSI (relative strength index), moving averages, regressions, MACD, just to name a few. All these indicators rely on stock prices, price changes, and volume changes. This information is available in the metastock data provided. Metastock data is of the form:
Symbol, Date, Open Price, High Price, Low Price, Closing Price and Volume

Once you've developed your trading model, you can back test it against the HKEX Historical Stock Data

The data can be downloaded in its raw form, or with adjusted closing prices for dividends and stock splits.

About the Author

Sam Wilmore


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